Äänekosken Energia is a public company answerable to the City of Äänekoski. At the end of 2012, our company employed 35 permanent members of staff.
Äänekosken Energia Board of Directors
The Board of Directors consists of the following elected officials:
- President Marko Tuhkanen
- Vice-President Leila Lindell
- Jari Halttunen
- Tommi Lunttila
- Eila Nurmi
- Erkki Pönkänen
- Kikka Sironen
Äänekosken Energia Management
Managing Director
Maarit Herranen
Managers of Operations
Ari Nyholm, Sales
Vilho Aikio, Energy Transmission
Olli Ruokolainen, District Heating
Peter Rinne, Water Management
Manager of Finances
Päivi Isosaari