Our Values


Äänekosken Energia is a responsible energy supplier. Our strategy is to invest and become self-sufficient in renewable energy. Koskienergia, an associate company of Äänekosken Energia, Etelä-Savon Energia and Kuoreveden Sähkö, operates 30 hydroelectric power plants in different parts of Finland.

Local & Reliable

As a company, we want to be reliable and close to our customers. We are easy to get a hold of, and we’ll help you personally with all aspects of your energy needs. We are proud to provide good customer service. It’s also important for us to take part in and be present in the Äänekoski local community.

Constantly Evolving

We are constantly working to improve our operations through fresh thinking and quality assurance. We listen carefully to our customers, because we want to continuously improve our customer service.